Local Language Technical Help Centre


LLTHC created Frequency Asked Questions (FAQ) based upon the queries raised by the public-at-large on Sinhala and Tamil Unicode. Most FAQs are technical queries, and LLTHC will review them from time to time and either remove or add (or edit).
  1. First type, language settings in Windows 10 search bar.
  2. Next, in windows setting go to the Time & Language and click on Language tab. Then click on Add a preferred language.
  3. Next, search the Sinhala language in the dialog box.
  4. Select Sinhala language and click next.
  5. Next, click on Install language pack and click on install button.
  6. Next, select Sinhala language pack and click on option button. Then you can see how the language pack is installed on your computer.
  7. After the language pack is completely installed, language tab appears on task bar.
  8. Then you can type in Sinhala.

Please follow the following video link on how to set up Sinhala in Windows 10? This video is available on our “Local Language Technical Help Centre” YouTube channel.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aOY-RGErGQ

1) First go to the https://www.openoffice.org/download/ site
2) Then select the Operating System as Windows(EXE) and click on download the full installation.
3) Download the language pack too.
4) Then run and install the downloaded .exe file on your computer.

Please follow the following video link on how to type sanyaka letters. This video is available on our “Local Language Technical Help Centre” YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtVpOtRv4Zw

Please follow the following video link on how to type conjunct letters. This video is available on our “Local Language Technical Help Centre” YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbHh7750wCc

Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language. It has been adopted by all modern software providers and now allows data to be transported through many different platforms, devices and applications without corruption.

  1. First search for Iskoola Pota font in internet and download it.
  2. Then install the downloaded file into your computer. In MS word, click home tab and then, click dialog box launcher arrow in the Font group. Under Font, select the font Iskoola Pota.
  3. Now you can use Iskoola Pota font to type Sinhala.
  4. And also you need to setup Sinhala onto your computer.

First, you have to select the full document and select a particular font like Iskoola Pota. Then this break-up will remove from the document.

All Versions of android phones support to Sinhala language.